新品 1冊
● 80機種以上の日本発売ゲーム機を写真付きで紹介
● ハードはもちろん、時代背景にまつわるコラムも充実
● 巻末にゲーム関連歴史年表を掲載
It has been over 50 years since the world's first home video game console, the Odyssey (1972), was released in the United States, and over 40 years since Nintendo's Family Computer was released in 1983, and games have already reached a level where they can be talked about as history.
Many publications focus on and introduce each game console, and our "Perfect Catalog" series has been well-received among books with a similar concept.
This book focuses on the history of home video game consoles and selects over 80 models that were released in Japan from the early days to the 20th century.
We aimed to create a "home video game console catalog" that shows the details in large photos. At the end of the book, there is a chronology centered on the featured game consoles, and you can also get an overview of the magazines that featured them and the history of home video games in Japan.
It is a large A4 size with a large volume of 144 pages! This game console catalog is sure to be a valuable resource when talking about the history of home video games.
● It not only covers models from major hardware manufacturers such as Nintendo, Sega, and Sony but also focuses on minor game consoles that were buried in the gap between the eras.
● Introduces over 80 game consoles released in Japan with photos
● Contains detailed columns on not only the hardware but also the historical background.
● At the end of the book, there is a timeline of game-related history.
【For those of you watching from overseas..】
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Arcade cabinet
Prize machines
Arcade Substrate
Arcade games
Game center Arcade