Better Boys Foundation Family Center (Chico Freeman他) - Black Fairy 100枚限定再発アナログ・レコード

Better Boys Foundation Family Center (Chico Freeman他) - Black Fairy 100枚限定再発アナログ・レコード 收藏

当前价格: 9880 日元(合 509.81 人民币)

一口价: 9880 (合 509.81 人民币)











开始时间:09/26/2024 07:00:31

个 数:1

结束时间:10/02/2024 23:00:30








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A1 Black Fairy Meets Johnny
A2 Please Give Me Some Magic
A3 Black Fairy Meets Black Bird
A4 Tell Them They Are Beautiful
A5 Travel To Afrika-Instrumental
A6 Black Fairy Meets Queen Mother
A7 Afrika's My Home
A8 Black Land Of The Nile
A9 Trip To America
A10 Go Down Moses
A11 Did You Feed My Cow
B1 The Streets Of Harlem
B2 Afrikan Children
B3 Black Men Can Be Beautiful
B4 Black Fairy
B5 Eulogy For Black Fairy
B6 Black Fairy Returns
B7 Hey, Black Child
B8 Johnny & Black Fairy

Backing Vocals Barry Ray, Denise Llorens, Gregory Curry, Jerry Johnson, Patricia Crawford, Rhonada Myers
Bass Larry Burton
Drums - Michael Llorens
Electric Piano Anthony Llorens, Jerry Johnson
Guitar - John Llorens
Horns Earl "Chico" Freeman
Organ - Anthony Llorens
Percussion Jerry Johnson
Piano Jerry Johnson
Producer Pemon Rami
Vocals - Gregory Curry (Tracks: A7, B1) , Tony Llorens (Tracks: A10)

Black Fairy is a fairy tale, but not in the traditional sense. When writing this play, i did not want to re-create the types of fantasies which are so common in Childrens theater. There is no kind of magic that can relieve black children from the oppression that retards their development. However, i do feel giving them a better understanding of their heritage can help them achieve their true potential. And those of us who are concerned with their development should try to expose them to knowledge that gives them a positive sense of identity. Although i do feel a chldren's play should be entertaining, I also feel it should be educational. Also, because there are so few children's plays which reflect the black experience, I wanted to write a play that Black children could identify with.
"Black Fairy" is a musical drama about a black fairy who lacks pride in herself and feels she has to offer Black children. But when she meets Black Bird and Queen Mother (Who take her to ancient Egypt, East Afrika, a southern slave plantation and the streets of Harlem) she begins toget a better understanding of her heritage. Her journey through the past enables Black Fairy to meet Aesop, Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, Uncle Remus, Stag-o-lee, Leadbelly and many other characters in Black folklore and Black history. At the end of her journey, Black fairy realizes that "Being Black is nothing to be ashamed of" and is then able to share her knowledge with other Black children. Even though Black Fairy doesn't completely resolve her dilemma, having a knowledge of her heritage does give her more confidence to cope with the future.
It is only fair to mention that "Black Fairy" would never have come to life if it were not for the creative directorsip of Pemon Rami and the music composed by Tony Llorens and Jerry Johnson. These people, more than anyone else, have made Black fairy the success it has become. I also feel that without the full support of Better Boys Foundation and its Board of Directors, The production and this album would not have been possible.
"Black Fairy" was the second play at the Lamont Zeno Community Theater, a cltural program of the Better Boys Foundationm a family agency located in North Lawndale in Chicago. Many of the yougsters who perform in the play are members of our Youth Theater Developmen Program which is partially funded by the National Endowment For The Arts. Under the capable guidance of Pemon Rami and his staff, we were able to take youngsters who had no previous theater experience and train them to become competent performers and also teach themother technical theater skills. The result of this effort has mad "Black Fairy" a favorite among both children and adults who have had an opportunity to see it. During ther summer of 1974 "Black Fairy" was performed for over four thousand children in Chicago. And, in April of 1975, it played to over two thousand children in Detroit at Mercy College.
"Black Fairy" is the only the first of many children's plays we hope to produce at the Better Boys Foundation. There is an Afrikan proverb which says:"Children are the reward of life". We at Better Boys Foundationm are dedicated to this belief, and feel that helping childrren to appreciate their heritage is one means of showing our concern for their development. Asante Sana Eugene (Useni) Perkins. Record Cover designed by Barbara Jones Hogu. Recorded at PF Studios, Chicago, Illinois.

【Item Details】
Label: Better Boys Foundation Family Center 
Item Number: BBC 3101
Release Year: 2018年   
Format: 100枚限定再発アナログ・レコード

Vinyl: M (New Unsealed) = Visual Checked 目視検品後、専用内袋で保護しました。
Cover: M (New Unsealed) = Protected by OPP Bag シュリンク無しでの入荷の為、専用OPP袋で保護しました。【コンディション表記】 参照)

メディア:Vinyl, CD, DVD, Blue-ray
省略表記 (英文表記) = 詳細
New (Sealed) = シュリンク、又はシール未開封の新品。(盤の状態を確認することができない為、開封後に、盤のソリ、盤面の曇り、キズ、ノイズ・プレスミス等のマイナー・ダメージに関しては保証致しかねますのでご了承ください。)
M (Mint) = シュリンク、又はシールがなされていない新品未使用品。(検品済み)
NM (Near Mint) = シュリンク、又はシールがなされてなく、レコードではごく軽いヘア・ライン擦れ傷、またCD等の光ディスクでは製造過程にできたと思われる白濁の用のものが見られても、再生には全く支障のない新品未使用品。
NM- (Near Mint Minus) = コンディションはNMであり、更に書き込み等がある新品未使用品。
CO (Cut Out) = 新品未使用のカット盤(廃盤にする為にジャケットが加工されている商品)。

省略表記 (英文表記) = 詳細
New (Sealed) = シュリンク、又はシール未開封の新品。(メディアのカラー、ライナー等の情報はメーカーの商品情報を元に記載しておりますが、ジャケット、又は添付のラベル等にその有無を確認することができない場合、開封後の相違に関しては保証致しかねますのでご了承ください。)
M (Mint) = シュリンク、又はシールがなされていない新品未使用品。(各付属品情報の確認済み商品。)
NM (Near Mint) = シュリンク、又はシールがなされてなく、ごく軽いヘア・ライン擦れ傷、小さな折れ、潰れ、経年による色褪せ等のマイナー・ダメージが見られる新品未使用品。
NM- (Near Mint Minus) = コンディションはNMであり、更に書き込み等がある新品未使用品。
CO (Cut Out) = 新品未使用のカット盤(廃盤にする為にジャケットが加工されている商品)。



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