英語/哲学「Belief and Meaning: The Unity and Locality of Mental Content/信念と意味:心的内容の統一性と局所性」Akeel Bilgrami/アキール・ビルグラミ著 Blackwell 1995年(1992年初版)発行 目次他9頁+301頁 0.52㎏ 22.8×15.3×2.4㎝ Paperback
【内容紹介】Belief and Meaning is a philosophical treatment of intentionality. It offers an original, logical and convincing account of intentional content which is local and contextual and which takes issues with standard theories of meaning
【著者紹介】Akeel Bilgrami was educated in Bombay and then went to Balliol College, Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. He is currently Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University.
【目次】1. Belief, Meaning and the External World. 2. The Unity of Intentional Content. 3. Norm and Society. 4. Truth and the Locality of Content. 5. The Case for Externalism. Epilogue. Appendix: Self-Knowledge and Intentionality.