洋書/英語「小説,読者,評者Novels, Readers, and Reviewers」Nina Baym著 1984年 Cornell University Press

洋書/英語「小説,読者,評者Novels, Readers, and Reviewers」Nina Baym著 1984年 Cornell University Press 收藏

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洋書/英語「Novels, Readers, and Reviewers:Responses to Fiction in Antebellum America/小説,読者,評者:南北戦争後のアメリカのフィクションへの反応」Nina Baym著 1984年 Cornell University Press発行 288頁 21.5×14×1.9㎝ 0.35㎏ Paperback

(ウィキペディアより) Nina Baym (born 1936)[1] is an American literary critic and literary historian. She was professor of English at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 1963 to 2004.…… Her work in US literary criticism and history is widely credited with expanding the field to include women writers while taking the focus off "great" writers according to a supposed unchanging value judgment and placing it instead on the dynamics of literary professionalism. She is the author or editor of a number of groundbreaking works of American literary history and criticism, beginning with Woman's Fiction (Cornell, 1978), and including Feminism and American Literary History (Rutgers, 1992), American Women Writers and the Work of History (Rutgers, 1995), and "American Women of Letters and the Nineteenth-Century Sciences" (Rutgers, 2004). ……Baym was born in Princeton, New Jersey; her father was the eminent mathematician Leo Zippin and her mother taught high school English. She received her B.A. from Cornell University, an M.A. from Radcliffe, and a Ph.D. from Harvard University. She was married to Gordon Baym from 1958 to 1970; their two children are Nancy Baym and Geoffrey Baym. She has been married to Jack Stillinger since 1971.
(目次) Preface 7/1.Introduction 13/2.The Triumph of the Novel 26/3.Novel Readers and Novel Reading 44/4.Plot the Formal Principle 63/5.Character 82/6.Aspects of Narration 108/7.Aspects of the Narrator 129/8.The Novel as a Picture of Nature 152/9.Morality and Moral Tendency 173/1O. Classes of Novels 196/11.Romances Historical Novels National Novels 224/12.Authors 249/13.Conclusion 270/Bibliographical Note 277/Index 281
(本の紹介) First edition. An examination of the reviews of novels, both American and European, that appeared in American periodicals from 1840-1860. Indexed. 287+ 1 pages. 
(著者について:1987) Born in Princeton, New Jersey, in 1936 and educated at Cornell University and Harvard, literary critic Nina Baym's career revolves around what she considers to be the necessary project of making the minor nineteenth-century American women writers a subject of literary study. Noting that theories of nineteenth-century American literature tended to exclude women, Baym centers not only on the works of women writers, but on the question of major versus minor authors, and the contexts of authorship. A recipient of a Guggenheim fellowship (1975-76) and a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities (1982-83), Baym teaches at the University of Illinois.

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